Category Archives: Five Day Challenge

Five Day Challenge – #5

Day One. One thing you want right now
Day Two. Two people you want to be with right now
Day Three. Three of your favorite songs ever
Day Four. Four of your favorite memories

Day Five. Five things you would like to do before you die

Get another cat. Get a dog. Get another tattoo. Read a great book. Find that *one* go to recipe for potluck parties/dinners.

What? It never had to be huge goals!


Five Day Challenge – #4

Day One. One thing you want right now
Day Two. Two people you want to be with right now
Day Three. Three of your favorite songs ever

Day Four. Four of your favorite memories

. Playing with Erin and Michael and Andrew and David in elementary school on the swingset (sometimes joined by Jessica and Patrick too)
. Cracking up at Eleanor yelling for everyone to shut up at our wedding reception and Jacob’s reaction to it
. Snuggling on the couch with Ginger kitty
.Drunken Halloween party in college. Alternately, drunken dress up party in college.

Day Five. Five things you would like to do before you die


Five Day Challenge – #3

Day One. One thing you want right now
Day Two. Two people you want to be with right now

Day Three. Three of your favorite songs ever

Johnny Tar – Gaelic Storm
Für Elise – Beethoven
Tamarack Pines – George Winston

Maybe. Certainly ones I always like.

Day Four. Four of your favorite memories

Day Five. Five things you would like to do before you die


Five Day Challenge – #2

Day One. One thing you want right now

Day Two. Two people you want to be with right now

Alex. Audrey. Or Karen. But definitely Alex ❤

Day Three. Three of your favorite songs ever

Day Four. Four of your favorite memories

Day Five. Five things you would like to do before you die


Five Day Challenge – #1

Day One. One thing you want right now

Go put on socks! Haha. Seriously? I’m going to go read. Want? A latte.

Day Two. Two people you want to be with right now

Day Three. Three of your favorite songs ever

Day Four. Four of your favorite memories

Day Five. Five things you would like to do before you die
